Team 1: Meredith Jacobs, Sissi Wu, Sue Park, Dev Sharma

Wash Wizard


Product Shot

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 10.14.24 PM.png

About the Wash Wizard

A machine combined with the washer and the dryer connects to an app through network that allows users to check availabilities, queue up for machines, check laundry status and collect rewards when they gather their laundry in a timely manner.

Value Proposition

The Wash Wizard makes doing laundry easy. It assists people living in buildings with communal laundry rooms because it ensures that laundry is done efficiently without being concerned that your clothing won’t be dry, reduces the number of trips to the laundry room, removes all need for communication with others in the apartment building and motivates people to pick up their laundry in a timely manner with a rewards system.


The team was interested in creating an IOT device for doing laundry because it is a chore that people must do but don’t want to do. The team wanted to create a device that would reduce friction in the task.


Why laundry?


Problem space